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... Peanut with her 'Family'...

In her favorite spot
someones lap:)

Also loved to ride in the
wheelbarrow at feeding time.

Peanut came into our lives when she was a puppy, (estimated about 8 months old). I had a delivery route, that brought me to a gas station, where I found her wondering around... I made sure her owner was not in the area, then decided to have the local shelter take her, in case someone would be looking for her...she was sooo cute, how could they not be! I made them 'promise' to call me when the time was up... that I wanted to give her a home... no one claimed her, so home she came:)

Peanut became a big part of our family, hardly a picture was taken of family that she was not in... I keep expecting to see her close to me. especially if I am eating:) ... She would wait so patiently, hoping I would share... there was a time that she would wait at the dinner table for each person to share, when they were done... we just knew she could count and knew if anyone was holding out:) She had to be right with me in the house or out... she'd ride in the hay cart while I fed the goats... She loved to roam around exploring and of course our 5 acres was not sufficient, she would have to go out to the front road and across it... keeping her inside the fence line, for her safety, was about impossible, because she was so small, she could find a way, somehow...

Peanut had a good life with lots of love & attention, she will be dearly missed...

I can still hear her barking to get back inside the house, from one of her romps around the neighborhood...